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Ain't Nothing Shakin' (But the Leaves on the Trees)

Writers: Cirino Calacrai, Eddie Fontaine, Dianne Lampert, Jack Cleveland
lead vocal: George Harrison
She's got a way that make me ask like a fool
Spend my money that she plays me good
I'm begging for her kisses on abandon me
So won't you give me someone loving me
Please please me.
Oh I keep trying hard to make her mine
No nay will we will flow nowhere shine
Still my party course my heart of heart
Ain't nothin' shakin' but the leaves on the trees
She lost my heart and through the way that key
Ain't nothin' shakin' but the leaves on the trees
There's nothin' shakin' but the leaves on the trees...
version 2 (?)
I found it out, what love is all about
And every day, it sure lets out
I see my baby, I get weak in my knees
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
My pappie told me, there'd be times like these
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
We meet the gang, and go to rocking Joes
The cats are something, on the heels and toes
I grab my baby, tried to give her a squeeze
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
Well why must she be, such a doggone tease?
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
She's got a way, that makes me act like a fool
Spent my money, then she plays me cool
I begged her for kisses, on my bended knees
Oh won't you give me, some loving, baby Please please please
Though I keep trying hard, to make her mine
One day the wind will blow, and the sun will shine
Till that time, she puts my heart at ease
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
She locked my heart, and threw away the keys
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees, yeah
She's got a way, that makes me act like a fool
Spent my money, then she plays me cool
I'm begging for her kisses, on my bended knees
Oh won't you give me, some of your loving, baby
Please please please
Though I keep trying hard to make her mine
One day the wind will blow and the sun will shine
Till that time she puts my heart at ease
There's nothing shaking but the leaves on the trees
She locked my heart and threw away the keys
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees
There's nothing shaking, but the leaves on the trees




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